9:00 AM - 9:50 AM |
Ortus Keynote 2022

The Ortus Keynote gives you insight into Ortus Solutions, the past, present, and future. More...
The Ortus Keynote gives you insight into Ortus Solutions, the past, present and future. You'll meet the members of Team Ortus, community members, speakers and sponsors. We'll tell you a story about CFML, which we think you will want to hear, and learn what Ortus and the community is doing for CFML and the future of CFML. You will get updates on an array of Ortus *Box products, including recent releases & upcoming plans and features in our roadmaps. We will finish with Ortus's plans for the future… as well as remind you of a driving force behind all things Ortus.
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10:00 AM - 10:50 AM |
cbCommerce - A flexible, modular e-commerce solution
Jon Clausen
In this session, you'll learn about a full featured e-commerce module from Ortus Solutions, cbCommerce. More...
In this session, you'll learn about a full featured e-commerce module from Ortus Solutions, cbCommerce.
**cbCommerce** is built with Enterprise e-Commerce in mind and it uses ContentBox modularity to allow non-technical users to manage inventory and pricing. Additionally, it has built-in support for shipping, sales tax/VAT, event and inventory lifecycle pricing and multiple payment processor support.
CommandBox Hidden Gems/Top Modules
Brad Wood
CommandBox has a lot of features out of the box so to speak, but it can also be extended via a modular architecture. More...
CommandBox has a lot of features out of the box so to speak, but it can also be extended via a modular architecture.
In this session, we'll cover the best features, and top modules you need to be using in order to increase your productivity and get the most out of CommandBox.
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11:00 AM - 11:50 AM |
cbfs: Abstract, Extend, Integrate Any File System
Luis Majano
Grant Copley
cbfs is short for ColdBox File System. It is an abstraction API to help you integrate with any file system, from S3, Local, SFTP, Ram, Mocks, and much more. More...
cbfs is short for ColdBox File System. It is an abstraction API to help you integrate with any file system, from S3, Local, SFTP, Ram, Mocks, and much more. Built to be fluent and human friendly, working with file systems via cbfs will give your applications the ability to abstract, extend and integrate with ANY file system.
Web Components in Your CFML Application
Nolan Erck
Web Components provide a modular way to build a consistent design system and user experience across your entire application. Instead of copy/pasting the same chunks of coded into various places More...
Web Components provide a modular way to build a consistent design system and user experience across your entire application. Instead of copy/pasting the same chunks of coded into various places, you can have a JavaScript/HTML expert focus on getting the UX correct, without them needing to worry about what's happening in the CFML layer at all. Web Components offer reusable functionality on the front-end, with native JavaScript. They are a great middle-ground between standard request/response based CFML applications, and apps that aren't quite ready to move to a full-on JavaScript SPA framework. Web Components themselves are 100% native JavaScript - no new libraries required! Let's learn how Web Components work, then look at integrating them into a CFML application -- I promise it's easier than you think!
Target Audience: Developers looking to learn more about writing reusable JavaScript and UI components that are platform independent. This talk will spend a little time going over connecting the front-end code to a CFML application, but attendees should already be well versed in CFML and understand how to build a JSON API endpoint.
Main Takeaways:
- Creating your first Web Component
- Interactivity with Web Components
- Connecting to a CFML back-end
- A quick look at using Lit to build things
- Pros and Cons
- Next steps and other resources
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12:00 PM - 12:50 PM |
Lunch Time!
Buen Provecho!
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1:00 PM - 1:50 PM |
Alpine.js : Declare and React!
Gavin Pickin
In this session we will introduce the power of Alpine.js as a modern, lightweight, declarative and reactive Javascript framework that can be embedded on any webpage without any need of webpack or complicated build processes.
In this session we will introduce the power of Alpine.js as a modern, lightweight, declarative and reactive Javascript framework that can be embedded on any webpage without any need of webpack or complicated build processes.
Securing and Tuning CommandBox Servers for production
Brad Wood
Securing and Tuning CommandBox Servers for production
Securing and Tuning CommandBox Servers for production
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2:00 PM - 2:50 PM |
Sublime Reactivity with CBWIRE
Grant Copley
CBWIRE is a ColdBox module that makes building reactive, dynamic, and modern web applications a joy without leaving the comfort of CFML. More...
CBWIRE is a ColdBox module that makes building reactive, dynamic, and modern web applications a joy without leaving the comfort of CFML. Join us as we review how to add reactivity to your apps with almost no JavaScript, as well as look at the new features included in CBWIRE’s latest release.
Writing Command Line Utilities With CommandBox Modules
Abram Adams
CommandBox has opened up a modern world for CFML, but there's power in this tool that exceeds simply spinning up a CFML engine on the fly More...
CommandBox has opened up a modern world for CFML, but there's power in this tool that exceeds simply spinning up a cfml engine on the fly, or running arbitrary code on the command line (which are two awesome features, btw.). Easily write CommandBox Modules to standardize build processes, or to wrap around complex operations, or to make silly games.
In this session we'll see how easy it is to create a CommandBox command, how we can effortlessly leverage the built-in help system and how quickly we can spice things up by installing existing modules, all while we build a good ole choose your own adventure game. We'll then learn how to publish our CommandBox Module to the world!
Sound fun? [Yes/No] :> Yes
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3:00 PM - 3:50 PM |
Advanced PDF Generation + Building a gitbook Markdown conversion process
Scott Steinbeck
Take a dive deep into the undocumented features of Flying Saucer (the engine behind cfDocument) in pursuit of creating a pdf with page numbering, context-aware chapter headings, table page breaks, and more. More...
Take a dive deep into the undocumented features of Flying Saucer (the engine behind cfDocument) in pursuit of creating a pdf with page numbering, context-aware chapter headings, table page breaks, and more.
Then we will spend some time digging into markdown conversion using a java library Flexmark to handle many aspects of markdown conversions including tables, auto-linking, embedded YouTube, etc.
Quick Start for CI/CD Automation on AWS
Seth Stone
In this talk we'll demonstrate using CommandBox to generate CloudFormation templates on-the-fly that deploy to AWS as fully-configured and fully-automated CI/CD pipelines. More...
In this talk we'll demonstrate using CommandBox to generate CloudFormation templates on-the-fly that deploy to AWS as fully-configured and fully-automated CI/CD pipelines. Then we'll further explore how to customize the system for your application by securely injecting environment variables (secrets), automating testing with TestBox and configuring auto-scaling. In less than an hour we'll accomplish what would normally take days to piece together from scratch using AWS documentation alone.
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3:50 PM - 4:05 PM |
Coffee Break
Es tiempo de un cafecito!
Es tiempo de un cafecito!
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4:05 PM - 4:55 PM |
Unpacking The Box - Why so many boxes and what do they do?????
Dan Card
This session will “tell the story” of all the boxes based on the problems they are trying to solve. We’ll start from the metaphorical “blank sheet of paper” at the beginning of a web project More...
Coldbox, TestBox, Wirebox, Rulebox, CommandBox, Forgebox, CBElixer, CBSwagger, Colbox MVC, Coldbox HMVC, Coldbox Relax, ContentBox, CacheBox, MessageBox, CFConfig, Quick, CBORM, QB, CBAuth, CBSecurity, CBLivewire, Codechecker, DocBox, DotENV, CB HostUpdater, CFMigrations, CFMongo, CFRedis, Cors, ColdBox Mail Services, CB Validation, CBStreams, CBCollection, Hyper, CB Elastisearch, LogBox, Mementifier, .......you get the idea.
There are a lot of “boxes”. What are they and what do they all do???? Are they all necessary??? Do I need to learn all of them????
This session will “tell the story” of all the boxes based on the problems they are trying to solve. We’ll start from the metaphorical “blank sheet of paper” at the beginning of a web project and we walk and talk through its planning and development, we’ll anticipate the real world snag and difficulties that we and the team will go hit and show how “there’s a box for that”.
I'm Just Here For The T-Shirt
Shawn Oden
I've been a professional geek for over 20 years, but I still feel like I'm out of my zone. Technology moves so fast. There are so many things to know. Everyone is so much smarter than me.
Imposter Syndrome is a problem. But it can be dealt with. More...
I've been a professional geek for over 20 years, but I still feel like I'm out of my zone. Technology moves so fast. There are so many things to know. Everyone is so much smarter than me. I don't know what I'm doing, and it's just a matter of time before someone finds me out. Or something like that.
Imposter Syndrome is a problem. But it can be dealt with.
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5:05 PM - 5:55 PM |
How to Debug Your CF Apps
Daniel García
How to debug your CF Apps. Using cbDebugger, Fusion Reactor, bundled Lucee and Adobe ColdFusion debugging More...
How to debug your CF Apps. Using cbDebugger, Fusion Reactor, bundled Lucee and Adobe ColdFusion debugging, as well as good old fashioned writedumps and emails to figure out what is going on.
Modernizing Your Vue Developer Skills
John Farrar
What has changed in Vue 3? We will talk about how Vite upped the game over WebPack, why Pinia is the update for Vuex, ViTest is the new testing standard, and why it’s time to add in tools like VueUse. More...
What has changed in Vue 3? We will talk about how Vite upped the game over WebPack, why Pinia is the update for Vuex, ViTest is the new testing standard, and why it’s time to add in tools like VueUse. Oh, don't forget to throw in TypeScript.
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